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Via delle Palade 6/1
I-39010 Lana near Meran, South Tyrol ♥ Italy
VAT no.: 02712260211
Tax no.: WLDMTN62M47F132S
Family Martina Waldner Donà
Mobil: +39 333 5463357
SDI Kodex: P62QHVQ
CIN: IT021041A1DH8FFA2B / IT021041B4Q54YPUSV
© Copyright 2024:
The entire content of this website including all images and texts is protected by copyright and property of the respective author.
The reproduction of the content is prohibited regardless of the medium used, except with the written permission of the respective author.
© Photos: - Photos from South Tyrol
Fam. Martina Waldner Donà
Author of the images on this website | |
Page: Home Picture name: slide1.jpg Image title: Landhaus am Gries in Lana Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Home Picture name: Slide2.jpg Image title: Gaul Canyon in Lana Author: | Benjamin Pftischer |
Page: Home Picture name: Fewo-Slide-1.jpg Image title: Holiday apartments - Landhaus am Gries in Lana Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Weinverkostung Picture name: Andergassen-web-1156-Kopie.jpg Image title: Private winery - Winery Doná Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Weinverkostung Picture name: Andergassen-web-1044.jpg Image title: Private winery - Winery Doná Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Weinverkostung Picture name: Andergassen-web-1093.jpg Image title: Private winery - Winery Doná Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Weinverkostung Picture name: Andergassen-web-1013.jpg Image title: Private winery - Winery Doná Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Weinverkostung Picture name: Andergassen-web-1159.jpg Image title: Private winery - Winery Doná Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Weinverkostung Picture name: Andergassen-web-1144.jpg Image title: Private winery - Winery Doná Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Weinverkostung Picture name: Andergassen-web-1171.jpg Image title: Private winery - Winery Doná Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Radfahren Picture name: mgm01752bepf.jpg Image title: Cycling holiday in South Tyrol Author: IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Benjamin Pfitscher |
Page: Radfahren Picture name: IDM-Matt-Cherubino-2.jpg Image title: Cycling holiday in South Tyrol Author: IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Matt Cherubino |
Page: Radfahren Picture name: IDM-Matt-Cherubino.jpg Image title: Cycling holiday in South Tyrol Author: IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Matt Cherubino |
Page: Radfahren Picture name: bicycle-gear-golden-hipster-42328.jpg Image title: Cycling holiday in South Tyrol Author: Photo by Pixabay |
Page: Baden Picture name: smg00274mapr.jpg Image title: Terme Merano Author: IDM Südtirol - Manuela Pross |
Page: Golfen Picture name: golfen.jpg Image title: South Tyrol's most beautiful golf courses Author: / Harald Wisthaler |
Page: Wandern Picture name: Slide5.jpg Image title: Hiking in the Ulten Valley Author: / IDM Südtirol/Alex Filz |
Page: Sonnenbaden Picture name: Sonnenbaden-21.jpg Image title: South Tyrol Balance - Dolomites Panorama Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Kunst & Kultur Picture name: kunstkulturSlide.jpg Image title: Museum of fruit-growing Author: / Benjamin Pfitscher |
Page: Schneevergnügen Picture name: schnee.jpg Image title: Vigiljoch - Winter in Lana near Meran Author: / Alex Filz |
Page: Langer Donnerstag Picture name: langerDonnerstag.jpg Image title: Restaurant Miil - Prosecco Author: / IDM / Marion Lafogler |
Page: Sterntaler Picture name: weihnachtsmarkt.jpg Image title: Sterntal Christmas market in Lana Author: / Florian Andergassen |
Page: Bauernmark Picture name: bauernmarkt.jpg Image title: South Tyrolean mountain herbs Author: / Helmuth Rier |
Page: Garage 61 Picture name: Oldtimer-InstagramFOTOGRAFIN.jpg Image title: Garage 61 - Eppan Author: Image by InstagramFOTOGRAFIN from Pixabay |
Page: Workation Picture name: pixabay-people-gf05a05079-500px.jpg Image title: Workation Author: |
Page: Südtirol erleben Picture name: Slide4.jpg Image title: Lana near Merano Author: | Benjamin Pftischer |
Page: Südtirol erleben Picture name: Slide5.jpg Image title: Hiking in the Ulten Valley Author: / IDM Südtirol/Alex Filz |
Page: Südtirol erleben Picture name: Slide6.jpg Image title: Spring in Lana Author: / Maria Gapp |
Page: Essen und Trinken Picture name: Slide7.jpg Image title: Restaurant Miil - Cermes/Tscherms Author: / IDM / Marion Lafogler |
Page: Essen und Trinken Picture name: Slide8.jpg Image title: Bread from the bakery - Mein Beck Lana Author: / Maria Gapp |
Page: Essen und Trinken Picture name: Slide9.jpg Image title: Keschtnriggl - Marende Author: / IDM Südtirol/trickytine |
Page: Essen und Trinken Picture name: Slide4.jpg Image title: Restaurant Miil - Cermes/Tscherms Author: / IDM / Marion Lafogler |
Page: Essen und Trinken Picture name: bild3.jpg Image title: Törggelen - wine & chestnuts Author: / Frieder Blickle |
Page: Essen und Trinken Picture name: bild4.jpg Image title: Culinary delights in South Tyrol Author: / IDM / Marion Lafogler |
Page: Essen und Trinken Picture name: bild6.jpg Image title: Chocolate cake with strawberries Author: / Maria Gapp |
Page: Essen und Trinken Picture name: bild5.jpg Image title: South Tyrolean gastronomy Author: Gapp |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: Fewo-Slide-1.jpg Image title: Holiday apartments in Lana by Merano Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: Fewo-Slide-4.jpg Image title: Bedroom with double bed - Landhaus am Gries Lana Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: Fewo-Slide-3.jpg Image title: One room apartment with balcony Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: b4.jpg Image title: Bedroom with double bed Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: b5.jpg Image title: dining table Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: b6.jpg Image title: bathroom with shower Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: b8.jpg Image title: living room with kitchen Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: b9.jpg Image title: Bedroom with double bed Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: b7.jpg Image title: panoramic terrace - Landhaus am Gries Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Wohnungen & Preise Picture name: IDM-Suedtirol-Lumii-GmbH.jpg Image title: SÜDTIROL GUEST PASS Lana Author: IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Lumii GmbH |
Page: Nachhaltig Reisen Picture name: Slide15.jpg Image title: Sustainable travel Author: Antoine Beauvillain auf Unsplash |
Page: Buchen Picture name: Slide16.jpg Image title: Castel Lebenberg above Cermes/Tscherms Author: / Patrick Schwienbacher |
Page: Kontakt & Anreise Picture name: Slide17.jpg Image title: I padroni di casa - Martina & Franziska Donà Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Anfrage Picture name: kontaktform.jpg Image title: Spring in Lana Author: / Maria Gapp |
We attach great importance to the specification of the image authors. If we should have forgotten someone, please let us know. We will fix the problem as soon as possible.
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Photo Dieter Drescher Meran
Günther Drescher
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